高层公寓用英语怎么说 高层公寓英语翻译

高层公寓的英语是"  High-rise building",在日常中也可以翻译为"  HIGHRISE APARTMENT",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到85个与高层公寓相关的释义和例句。

高层公寓用英语怎么说 高层公寓英语翻译

高层公寓的英语是"  High-rise building",在日常中也可以翻译为"  HIGHRISE APARTMENT",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到85个与高层公寓相关的释义和例句。

高层公寓翻译为 high-rise apartment building -。

示例:High-Rise Apartment in Caracas, venezuela.

A nine-story apartment building ( 一座九层楼高的公寓楼 )

1. Now, this guy was a high-ranking PK member-

2. Okay. Uh, top one's from Showtime.

3. There was a guy at the oversight meeting. i tangled with him in Gaines' apartment.

译文:高层会议时有个家伙 我和他在Gaines公寓里交过手。

4. i don't care about the flat.

5. So these are the top military commanders.

6. The buildings here are multi-story.

7. Repair crews did not have a way of identifying broken pipes located deep within a high-rise apartment building.

8. What i want to know is how this happened.

9. He gets his from higher up.

10. Our bossed only think about their promotions.

11. And this is from the Highest Authority? Yes.

12. High-Rise Apartment in Caracas, venezuela.

13. i have to talk to someone higher up.

14. it's a pretty high-class crowd.

15. Set off a nuclear device in the upper atmosphere.


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