吴斐然用英语怎么说 吴斐然的英语翻译

吴斐然用英语翻译为"Wu school",还可以翻译为wu ko,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到81个与吴斐然相关的短语释义和例句。

吴斐然用英语怎么说 吴斐然的英语翻译

吴斐然用英语翻译为"Wu school",还可以翻译为wu ko,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到81个与吴斐然相关的短语释义和例句。

4. Lucky Wu geeks cannot see how pathetic they really are -You're going back to the dorm?

5. But now i'm the best that ever did it

6. is there anything you won't do? Calm down, Captain Wu!

7. Senior Lecture of Gynecology

8. You call this exposure? Mr. OH?

9. Have you heard of the Franchise Realty Corporation? What is it?

10. Ms. Ri Jin. Ms. Oh Ri Jin!

11. Done a turn or two for me, Wu has.

12. What's wrong? Let me have another sip.

13. Go's hand is dripping blood.

14. An intrepid governor, an erudite counselor.

15. Was subjected to rigorous studies by at least two different--


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