迟桂花用英语怎么说 迟桂花的英语翻译

迟桂花的英语翻译是"fragrans",还可以翻译为sweet osmanthus,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到61个与迟桂花相关的译文和例句。

迟桂花用英语怎么说 迟桂花的英语翻译

迟桂花的英语翻译是"fragrans",还可以翻译为sweet osmanthus,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到61个与迟桂花相关的译文和例句。

3. Sooner is better than later.

4. braised Sea intestines with Sweet-scented acanthus

5. i'll tell you later, it'd bring you a surprise.

6. Osmanthus fragrans in ice-snow Lotus cake solutions solutions for summer

7. Stir in osmanthus sugar and serve.

8. The especial culture of Osmanthus fragrans in China was summarized primarily.

9. i had a couple of drinks with my co-workers

10. You know, i don't mean not to pay you back, maybe later.

11. i'll join you there in a few minutes.

12. i'll get back to you later.

13. it's a lesson too late for the learner.

14. Don't say nothing, all right? You know i'm gonna sign that check, dog.

15. Go, get out of here. i'll explain later, okay?




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