呕心用英语怎么说 呕心的英语翻译

呕心用英语说"exert one's utmost effort",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Nausea",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到79个与呕心相关的短语释义和例句。

呕心用英语怎么说 呕心的英语翻译

呕心用英语说"exert one's utmost effort",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Nausea",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到79个与呕心相关的短语释义和例句。

spare no efforts Take infinite pains u LET IT BLEED ( 呕心沥血 )

I'm so sick of these people ( 这些人令我呕心 )

a work embodying one's utmost effort ( 呕心之作 )

PONV nausea and vomiting Disgusting vomits ( 恶心呕吐 )

PONV postoperative nausea and vomiting Apfel PONV ( 术后恶心呕吐 )

1. You disgust me. i already told you that.

2. My heart and soul are in this case.

3. Because we work hard, thank you!

4. "..a brilliant..." Sorry, it's quite difficult writing in blood.

译文:"... 很棒的..." 不好意思 写一篇呕心沥血之作不容易。

5. She referred to each of her novels as Opus Nauseous.

6. i ordered it for the sake of our nation.

7. i bet you are thinking i'm just a shy guy ody wants to know, All his twentied rigmarole makes me sick!

8. They turn them into janitors. Mm, mm.

9. it's just a sickness. it's just too much.

10. it's the most modern, the work of great scholars.

11. And there's not one person in this room who could honestly say that i haven't given my heart and soul to each and every one of you.

12. Detective Vaughn is a disgusting, lecherous scumbag.

13. That was done by a renowned artist at great expense.

14. i've spent the last five years sweating blood to write this book!

15. Who'd did that when it was nauseating?




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