全然不顾用英语怎么说 全然不顾英语翻译

全然不顾用英语说"  reckless disregard",还网络中常译为"  ignore totally",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到78个与全然不顾相关的短语翻译和用法。

全然不顾用英语怎么说 全然不顾英语翻译

全然不顾用英语说"  reckless disregard",还网络中常译为"  ignore totally",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到78个与全然不顾相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. crasser(愚笨的 粗鲁的 全然不顾他人的 的比较级)

2. crt(愚笨的 粗鲁的 全然不顾他人的 的最高级)


2. Just beat division at any cost, no matter who becomes a casualty.

4. You want it to feel different.

5. if it did fall off, she would dive and rescue it, and she battled stiff currents to do this.

译文:如果尸体滑落, 她会潜水再把尸体救起, 全然不顾激流的危险。

6. comix Wave Films Unconcerned about getting soaked from the pouring rain

7. There is still nothing i see that is not perfection.

8. Unconcerned about getting soaked from the pouring rain

9. it's not really in the wrist, you know.

10. i have complete faith in you.

11. He drove with blithe disregard for the rules of the road.

12. He's completely single-minded and has no regard for the political process.

13. i absolutely believe in God.

14. Cared more about the junk than he did about his friends... his family.

15. i totally forgot what i was going to say.




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