诚至金开用英语怎么说 诚至金开英语翻译

诚至金开的英语是"karat",其次还可以说成"gate off",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到54个与诚至金开相关的短语释义和例句。

诚至金开用英语怎么说 诚至金开英语翻译

诚至金开的英语是"karat",其次还可以说成"gate off",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到54个与诚至金开相关的短语释义和例句。

2. Come on. Let me in. Open up.

3. Ryan found the bank where Kim had her account hours ago.

4. - Open it. i'm telling you.

5. Sonmanto has deep pockets and the crown attorney has a shallow sack.

6. i worked with that woman so 金月凤long bit tired audience grass is always greener, you know Well

译文:我跟金月凤那女人合作这么久 有点腻了 观众是喜新厌旧的你知道嘛。

7. - His name is Kyle, Kyle Singer.

8. izzy, move this !

9. Drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive.

10. "Silver, gold, silver, gold,

11. i will protect it with my last breath.

12. Those are Jang's boys. Get him out.

13. Tonight, at Deaconess Kim's place they're holding a vigil for me.

14. i'm gonna open it up like a tin can.

15. i don't know how to open it. Please do it for me


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