台阁体用英语怎么说 台阁体的英语翻译

台阁体用英语翻译为"flat body",在日常中也可以翻译为"side stretch",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到51个与台阁体相关的翻译和例句。

台阁体用英语怎么说 台阁体的英语翻译

台阁体用英语翻译为"flat body",在日常中也可以翻译为"side stretch",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到51个与台阁体相关的翻译和例句。

2. in this world, there is foulness in both men and women.

3. Preserving anterior lens capsule on pars plana lensectomy-vitrectomy in ocular injury

5. - The Secrets of Cone Power Revealed.

6. The cystis of the pineal body

7. italic vs. cursive. A Roman font can be slanted (having an Angle) and a cursive font can be upright (totally vertical like a Roman). Urgh!


8. The Baozhu Mountain granite body is a complex rock body.

9. - Hey, Ginger. Any naked friend of Charlie is a naked friend of mine.

10. Chapter four Aspectual Presentation, describes the realized aspect, immediate aspect, ingressive aspect, progressive aspect and continuance aspect in Haimen dialect.


11. Volume data segmentation is the premise of voxel modeling.

12. - You just did. Whole body language.

13. - And not in astral bodies?

14. They are said to be conformational isomers also called conformers.

15. - For hardbodies, hardbodies




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