亮粉色用英语怎么说 亮粉色的英语翻译

亮粉色的英语是"  Bright pink",还经常被译作  pink glitter,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到34个与亮粉色相关的短语翻译和用法。

亮粉色用英语怎么说 亮粉色的英语翻译

亮粉色的英语是"  Bright pink",还经常被译作  pink glitter,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到34个与亮粉色相关的短语翻译和用法。

Sarah Jessica Parker ( 亮粉色手包 )

1. Pink's a good color for us.

2. ♫ Drive in pink ♫ Come alive in pink

3. And even with its bright pink color, this did not receive much interest from her.

4. The pink stars are falling.

5. - The pink stars are falling.

6. Blaze, look what you've done!

7. All right, y boy, let's hear from you.

8. The pink stars are falling. You all right, man?

9. The birds sing With the beautiful sun

10. The pink stars are fall...

11. You show a blade, they gonna pull a shotgun.

12. Tezuka san got busted Ryo.

13. Angie! The pink stars are falling.

14. The pink stars... are... falling... in lines.

15. Just throw away the pink one.




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