冷丁用英语怎么说 冷丁的英语翻译


冷丁用英语怎么说 冷丁的英语翻译


dolantin Pethidine Meperidine Demerol ( 药 )

Pethidine injection ( 注射液 )

Rather abruptly all of a sudden ( 冷不丁 )

1. - Could be damage done by the self-injection of the Demerol.

2. i gave her the atropine and some demerol to knock her out.

3. That's a combat tail. Demerol and anabolics.

4. Despite numerous stelate ganglion blocks, Oxycontin, and Demerol, he had an ongoing pain.


5. - Give him 50 milligrams of Demerol.

6. How about some Demerol, Doc, huh?

7. We'll toss these burgers over the gate, wait for the Demerol to kick in.

8. Rim the cup with Demerol and Valium.

9. Conclusion The pain relief effects of tramadol are superior to those of dolantin.

10. i got Demerol, a pack of syringes and almost lost my dental license.

译文:挺好的,拿到了和一袋注射器 还差点丢了我的牙医执照。

11. He can't talk. He's full of Demerol.

12. Seconal, Demerol, Tuinal, Valium, Quaaludes, Percocet?

译文:速可眠,,Tuinal, 安定,Quaaludes,波拷赛特。

13. Get us some bandages, Dolantin, Novacaine, iodine and Morphine Nurse.

译文:这儿要补充纱布、 奴佛卡因、佛德因 还有、剂。

14. Do we need to take your order on giving morphine or demerol?




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