现代电梯用英语怎么说 现代电梯英语翻译

现代电梯的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为passenger lift,其次还可以说成"modern electrical equipment",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到43个与现代电梯相关的翻译和例句。

现代电梯用英语怎么说 现代电梯英语翻译

现代电梯的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为passenger lift,其次还可以说成"modern electrical equipment",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到43个与现代电梯相关的翻译和例句。

示例:it doesn't interfere with computers or electrical equipment. 不需要电脑或电子设备 不需要电脑或电子设备

3. The elevator's broken, huh?

4. The elevator isn't working.

5. The popular images of the aliens are all hairless in madern movies,as if they are the next kin to the bald people.


6. Some argue that he, not Turing or Zuse, is the true father of the modern computer.


7. The elevator is out of order.

8. FREDDY [OVER intercom]: Going down.

9. Research and application on mufti-level inverter is one of the newest developments of modern power electronic.


10. The popular images of the aliens are all hairless in madern movies, as if they are the next kin to the bald people.


11. However, today colorful legends and modern portrayals by TV and films help romanticize pirates.


12. This then is something of a cursory view of the direction taken by contemporary quantum field theory.

13. The elevator just stopped.

14. Elevator, get an elevator...

15. Cover the elevator! The elevator!


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