马上解决用英语怎么说 马上解决英语翻译

马上解决的英语可以这样说:in an instant,在日常中也可以翻译为"Equoidea",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到61个与马上解决相关的翻译和例句。

马上解决用英语怎么说 马上解决英语翻译

马上解决的英语可以这样说:in an instant,在日常中也可以翻译为"Equoidea",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到61个与马上解决相关的翻译和例句。

4. Officer brad bellick will be terminated-- effectively immediately.

5. Comply immediately to order.

6. What say we settle this on the runway Han Solo.

7. Got a guy at the top of the stairs!

8. You know i have the power to immediately lift your duties

9. The ancestors said... if the matter is not settled immediately, they will begin... the cycle of destruction!

译文:可是老祖宗说 如果这件事不马上解决的话 他们就要把灭顶之灾 降到我们家里。

10. You get that to Sacramento tonight. And i want the autopsy to not next week.

11. We got to do this now. Before they split or more show up.

12. Commissioner, you have 11 minutes to thaw these people.

13. Thought she was gonna have to go in the street.

14. it's not about any score. Hey, if you people want to go to court...

15. it's a timely matter, it has to be handled quickly.

译文:这只是时间问题 得马上解决 It's a timely matter, it has to be handled quickly.。


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