竟敢用英语怎么说 竟敢的英语翻译

竟敢的英语是"have the impertinence",还网络中常译为"have the audacity",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到84个与竟敢相关的翻译和例句。

竟敢用英语怎么说 竟敢的英语翻译

竟敢的英语是"have the impertinence",还网络中常译为"have the audacity",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到84个与竟敢相关的翻译和例句。

How dare you speak of her to me ( 你怎么竟敢对我说起她 )

i can't believe i'm through ( 我竟不敢相信 )

Today he can't face yesterday ( 今天他竟不敢面对昨天 )

1. How dare you break into my house!

2. How dare you offend the Emperor?

6. How dare you tell me to stop!

7. Let's fight our way out! You dare resist arrest!

8. Who are they to lecture me?

9. Don't you dare. Don't you dare!

10. How dare you trick my sister?

11. You dare to keep secrets from me?

12. How dare you defile the mausoleum?

13. You've got a lot of nerve coming back here.

14. How dare you talk like that.

15. How dare you to beat me up?





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