充分利用英语怎么说 充分利的英语翻译

充分利的英语是"underutilize",还网络中常译为"under utilization",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到22个与充分利相关的翻译和例句。

充分利用英语怎么说 充分利的英语翻译

充分利的英语是"underutilize",还网络中常译为"under utilization",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到22个与充分利相关的翻译和例句。

underuse waste underutilization ( 未充分利用 )

Note-Making & Note-Taking ( 充分利用笔记优势 )

Take full advantage of them Full use of their Take advantage of them Fully utilize them ( 充分利用它们 )

1. We're gonna need every man we got.

2. How do i make the best of my cirtances?

3. They are utilizing the full use of the space in designing the bath...

4. Well then, make the most of it.

5. Remember your training, take advantage of conditions.

6. Makes the most of what he's got. Doesn't keep asking for the moon.

7. Patients are such an underutilized resource.

8. We should make full use of the Mous of beach land.

9. That way, we benefit from its energy of motion.

10. i am in full use of my capacities.

11. They wanted us to make use of the space.

12. We have to take advantage of that.

13. Ta em sertu en maa abtet! Make the most of your last moments

14. You have to make the most of the present.

15. i notice that MBA students really exhibit the full range of power nonverbals.





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