通勤车用英语怎么说 通勤车的英语翻译

通勤车的英语是"varnish",还可以翻译为commuter train,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到71个与通勤车相关的短语释义和例句。

通勤车用英语怎么说 通勤车的英语翻译

通勤车的英语是"varnish",还可以翻译为commuter train,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到71个与通勤车相关的短语释义和例句。

Working Lunch and Shuttle Bus ( 工作餐及通勤车 )

commuter train KCJ ( 通勤列车 铁路 )

Personal Mobility Vehicle ( 人通勤汽车 )

1. A typical day in space starts with the perfect commute.

2. "his commuter train and TV set.

3. A third of all the people commute by bike.

4. A third of all the people commute by bike.

5. All personnel must evacuate and proceed to the transportation shuttles immediately.

6. Dr Nigel Warburton of the Open University agrees, again citing the commute as a golden opportunity.


7. Counting commuters, we handle about 80,000 people a day.

8. Yeah. You live here or you commute?

9. Brutal commute though, man.

10. Good thing your commute is short.

11. And horrible commutes are common.

12. Just managed to get the brake on before we hit the commuter train.

13. Look, we know that you and your wife are both city link commuters.

14. And i'll be back with some more smooth sounds to soothe those commuter blues.

15. Heart attack on the commuter...

译文:通勤车心脏病发作 Heart attack on the commuter。




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