时蔬用英语怎么说 时蔬的英语翻译


时蔬用英语怎么说 时蔬的英语翻译


2. Man, what the hell is up with you and Thailand, huh?

3. What happened to your knee there?

4. i want everybody out of this lobby right now.

5. Applications of Macerating Enzyme in Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

6. When i am in the country i wish to vegetate like the country.

7. The spring vegetables were cooked perfectly.

8. There's the market on weekdays selling every fruit and vegetable known to man.

9. Chef Selection Grilled Lobster, Octopus, Salmon, Scollops with Roasted Potato and Vegetables.

10. With summer vegetables and... and some basil.

11. Potage aux choux a la russe, as the gentleman ordered.

12. That veggie shake worked better than i thought.

13. You're just out of practice, that's all.

14. their meals to Zanba, mainly beef and mutton, the lack of tea vegetables.

15. Breaded pork cutlet, Tonkatsu sauce, spring onion, vegetable, steamed rice.




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