不停用英语怎么说 不停的英语翻译

不停的英语翻译是"  non-stop",还经常被译作  incessantly,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到73个与不停相关的译文和例句。

不停用英语怎么说 不停的英语翻译

不停的英语翻译是"  non-stop",还经常被译作  incessantly,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到73个与不停相关的译文和例句。

round the clock around/round the clock around /round the clock round d the clock ( 昼夜不停地 )

Never Ever Stop and never stop ( 永不停止 )

round the lock night and day day and night ( 日夜不停地 )

ETC Electronic Toll Collection Electronic Toll Collection System ( 电子不停车收费系统 )

ETC electronic toll collection interconnection charges no parking charge ( 不停车收费 )

1. ♪ The urge to bang my head against the wall ♪

译文: 迫使我把头不停不停不停不停地 The urge to bang my head against the wall。

2. Efforts continue around the clock.

3. After that, he kept on throwing up.

4. Dance after dance after dance.

5. Man, that just goes on and on.

6. You kept shooting and shooting and shooting!

7. And blood keeps coming out.

8. You don't never know when to quit. if you had a mite of sense...

9. But you... always asking questions.

10. - No, we ain't stopping here, Em.

11. ¢U And i keep thinking... ¢U

12. No, guys, you don't understand.

13. Don't stop thinking of me, no, no

译文:∮ Don't stop thinking of me, no, no 不停想我,不停! 不停。

14. They haven't stopped talking.

15. All i can tell you is rinse, lather and repeat.




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