不借用英语怎么说 不借的英语翻译

不借的英语是"autorotate",还网络中常译为"revealed theology",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到95个与不借相关的短语释义和例句。

不借用英语怎么说 不借的英语翻译

不借的英语是"autorotate",还网络中常译为"revealed theology",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到95个与不借相关的短语释义和例句。

1. autorotate(自转 旋翼机式或直升机的旋翼不借机动力自转)

2. revealed theology(天启神学(从超自然启示的观点,而不借助自然因素来研究哲学的一种神学)[参较natural theology])

3. passiver(passive\n['pasiv]\nadj.\n被动的;受动的;守势的\n不反对的;不抵抗的;驯服的;忍让的,屈从的\n消极的,不积极的\n冷淡的;不关心的\n(电子元件等)无源的\n(不借用其他任何机械设备)直接利用太阳能热源的\n【化学】钝态的;不易起化学变化的;耐腐蚀的;惰性的\n(电阻器、电容器等电子器件)无增益的,无调节的\n无原的,被动的(式)的(依靠目标物放射的能量寻的和定向的)\n【语法学】被动的;被动语态的\n无利息的\n【医学】虚性的\nn.\n【语法学】\n被动语态;动词)

closed reserved closed d reserved ( 只读不借 )

Never lend money to others ( 绝不借钱给别人 )

not for circulation not for circuline ( 不外借 )

refuses to stay insensitive to the changing times or to blindly follow in others’ footsteps ( 坚守但不僵化 借鉴但不照搬 )

Never take things for others Never lend things to others ( 永远不借东西给别人 )

Forget about excuses don't look for excuse ( 不要寻找借口 )

1. So you're bringing some money or not?

2. She said no story, no flour

3. [ Scoffs ] Oh, that's a brilliant idea.

4. Are you going to lend me the money or not?

5. Yeah, well, i'm working without pharmaceutical assistance.

6. - Why don't you just borrow Mom's car?

7. Yeah, so what about the $25?

8. i don't loan them my credit card.

9. i do not pay money to strangers.

10. Well, i'm not going to lend it to you if you're not going to read it.

11. -Why can't she borrow yours?

12. i really and truly need it, so will you?

13. Never drink to feel better. Only drink to feel even better.

14. i'll beat you if you don't!

15. i don't let anybody copy my homework.


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