打石膏用英语怎么说 打石膏的英语翻译

打石膏的英语是"planter cast",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到17个与打石膏相关的释义和例句。

打石膏用英语怎么说 打石膏的英语翻译

打石膏的英语是"planter cast",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到17个与打石膏相关的释义和例句。

译文:参加家庭旅行之类的 你要是 打著石膏我会心里不是滋味。

3. For getting rid of that cast.

4. - Plaster bust... - plaster bust.

5. The cripple or Sleeping Beauty?

6. - The plaster is underneath it.

7. Why are you standing around like lame ducks?

8. Miss Ho, who was the one who put the cast on Mr Lee?

9. Ma. sit down. i most certainly will not.

10. Test and Application by Using Ardealite to Replace Dihydrate Gypsum

11. The man with his foot in a cast!

12. You see that man over there with the cast on his arm?

13. You know, when i get out of this cast,

14. This plaster cast is... a fake.

15. The chemical gypsum is an industrial gypsum of ardealite, desulfurization gypsum or fluorine gypsum.




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