梦游者用英语怎么说 梦游者的英语翻译

梦游者通常被翻译为"sleepwalker"的意思,还可以翻译为  sleepwalker,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到14个与梦游者相关的释义和例句。

梦游者用英语怎么说 梦游者的英语翻译

梦游者通常被翻译为"sleepwalker"的意思,还可以翻译为  sleepwalker,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到14个与梦游者相关的释义和例句。

Night Wanderer's Song ( 梦游者之歌 )

Sleepwalker's Journey ( 梦游者的旅行 )

Sleepwalker Journey ( 梦游者旅途 )

Das verbannte Kind Abraxas ( 梦游者凯撒 )

Boniface somnambule ( 梦游者博尼法 )

Sleepwalker seducing me ( 梦游者诱使我 )

1. Did you ever think she could be a sleepwalker?

2. The Dreamwalker said there were some who could see them.

3. Well, at least you're not a sleepwalker.

4. You don't yell at a sleepwalker.

5. When they were done, they put those people back in the world with no idea what had happened to them...

译文:他们催眠之后 再把人送回来 而被催眠的人根本一无所知 就是梦游者。

6. Nobody knows what to do with a sleepwalker.

7. Orkin a head, ima Dreamer by one.

8. i'm going back to make sure the Somnambulist is up and running, and i'm going to help Melissa get as many people off this station as we can before it dies.

译文:我要回去确保梦游者号 可以正常运作 我要帮梅丽莎在空间站报废以前。

9. i'm guessing that's how Mars activates his sleeper.

10. A somnambulist has been brought to the asylum for admission...

11. "We found the sleepwalker out in the fields..."

12. After my Dad died, Ana became a sleepwalker.

13. The best idea is to gently guide the sleepwalker back to bed.

14. Their eyes are closed, like two sleepwalkers.

15. it impairs your work or social life.


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