恶魔女孩用英语怎么说 恶魔女孩英语翻译

恶魔女孩用英语说"  devil girl",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到29个与恶魔女孩相关的短语翻译和用法。

恶魔女孩用英语怎么说 恶魔女孩英语翻译

恶魔女孩用英语说"  devil girl",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到29个与恶魔女孩相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. Every witch must carry her own broom.

4. The demon is dead. And so is that hot girl it was possessing.

5. My name is Kiki, and i'm a witch.

6. At twelve, she begged her mother for a typewriter after enduring a campy science fiction film called "Devil Girl From Mars."

译文:十二岁时,她在看了一部很奇怪的 科幻电影《来自火星的恶魔女孩》之后, 她恳求妈妈给她一台打字机。

7. The witches were in league with demons and the sages were allied with angels... they were responsible for protecting the world... by keeping the right balance between them.

译文:魔女与恶魔勾结 而贤者则与天使结盟 他们相互维持平衡 尽着观察世界的使命。

11. You shall not have your way with me, demon enchantress...

12. We are way more devilish than you demons.

13. That they'll give up being a witch for love?

14. And if you don't finish it?

15. We've defeated the Mud Lobster Witch, right?





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