欲罢不能用英语怎么说 欲罢不能英语翻译

欲罢不能的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为be unable to stop even though one wants to,还网络中常译为"try to stop but cannot",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到67个与欲罢不能相关的翻译和例句。

欲罢不能用英语怎么说 欲罢不能英语翻译

欲罢不能的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为be unable to stop even though one wants to,还网络中常译为"try to stop but cannot",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到67个与欲罢不能相关的翻译和例句。

1. be unable to stop even though one wants to

欲罢不能翻译为be unable to stop even though one wants to。

The programme made compulsive viewing.

1. How about "Point of No Return" on Point of No Return?

译文:例如收录在《欲罢不能》中的"欲罢不能" 刘易斯,你不用站起来闭嘴。

2. But then the words just started coming out of me like lava.

3. "Diello has thus far killed 57 people "and shows no desire to stop.

7. Fuck that, i'm watching it.

8. Come on, you're doing great. You know, exercise is addictive.

9. i'll make a piggy out of you too'

10. But as glamorous as it was, within a week we all hit our breaking point.

11. ♪ kind that keeps me hanging on ♪

译文: 让我欲罢不能 kind that keeps me hanging on。

12. it makes me work, this idea of yours.

13. Those hips of hers would put a love lock on you to beat the band.

14. it's total and they can't stop watching!

15. Were crying like babies for you


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