七老八十用英语怎么说 七老八十英语翻译

七老八十的英语是"in one's seventies and eighties",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到27个与七老八十相关的翻译和例句。

七老八十用英语怎么说 七老八十英语翻译

七老八十的英语是"in one's seventies and eighties",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到27个与七老八十相关的翻译和例句。

1. in one's seventies and eighties

七老八十翻译为in one's seventies and eighties。


The man next door looks young in his outlook, but he is an old stick-in-the-mud. He never goes out or has friends in he just sits around in front of the TV, the great American sedative.

3. You mean your seventh son? He's gone already.

4. So, which one is the seventh?

译文:那么 So, 谁是老七? which one is the seventh。

5. i don't feel so old anymore.

6. in our seventies and eighties we'd be exactly the same as we are now.

7. Four score and seven years ago....

8. Yeah, but-- and no offense-- but even if she still was alive, wouldn't she be, like, really old?

9. The reason why i am taking them to... this island Tour around Taiwan, is to show that no one is too old to realize one's dreams.

10. i'm the oldest out of seven kids, plus my cousin Jonquil.

11. "Seven and Three to secure west flank!"

12. He's just mad because all the girls i go out with are 70 to 80 years younger than his wife.

13. - Yes. it seems so. Look, its "Gray Hair."

14. i put 'em in heaven, give 'em hope, even if their skin's rough, my staff'll be stiff, i know my stuff.

译文:“一波接一波,叫” “七老又八十,皮很粗” “几进再几出,真想哭”。

15. Do you know he's actually his mother's seventh son?




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