自然用英语怎么说 自然的英语翻译

自然的英语是"spontaneous -",其次还可以说成"nature",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到19个与自然相关的翻译和例句。

自然用英语怎么说 自然的英语翻译

自然的英语是"spontaneous -",其次还可以说成"nature",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到19个与自然相关的翻译和例句。

2. natura naturans( 自然;能动的自然;创造自然的自然)

nature reserve nature reserve ( 自然保护区 林 环境 )

natural disaster natural disaster natural calamities Disasters ( 自然灾害 环境 农 )

World Wide Fund for Nature World Wildlife Fund WFF ( 世界自然基金会 )

Natural number counting numbers Natural positive integer ( 自然数 数 )

Human and Nature mankind and nature man and nature Human with Nature ( 人与自然 )

Dialectics of Nature Dialektik der Natur Dialectics of Nature ( 自然辩证法 )

1. So the temperature increases are taking place all over the world, including in the oceans.

2. To take life, as it comes... "

3. - Just walk naturally for one second, please. Okay.

4. - Nature programs. - i like nature programs.

5. Let yourself go... Does it still hurt?

6. Nature belongs to you, you belong to nature.

7. Earthquakes are natural. Television's unnatural.

11. - And position too, Sir John!

12. Especially not about anaesthesia

13. They'd send Catherine home.

14. Nature. Man lives for nature.

15. TS: Nature is -- well, it's a godsend.




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