奠定用英语怎么说 奠定的英语翻译


奠定用英语怎么说 奠定的英语翻译


laying the foundations ( 奠定基础阶段 )

lay the foundation for to lay the foundation ground ( 奠定基础 )

lay the foundation for ( 给奠定基础 )

lay a foundation ( 给建筑物奠定基础 )

lay a solid foundation for Laying a solid foundation ( 奠定坚实的基础 )

Laying the groundwork for ( 奠定问答的基础 )

Laid a good foundation Laying a good foundation ( 奠定了良好基础 )

5. At least Benny's getting laid.

6. Common, time to get paid and laid Ricky.

7. He laid the foundation of Japan's modern economy.

8. But if you want to get laid... Try the redhead.

9. it is from him that we have the saying:

10. We're trying to get our friend laid.

11. You've laid around too long, Pottsy.

12. So that we can get laid for real.

13. i'm never going to get laid.

14. She's jealous, 'cause i get laid and she doesn't.

15. Even you're gonna get laid?





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