连通区域用英语怎么说 连通区域英语翻译

连通区域的英语为"doubly connected region",还可以翻译为flat connection,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到23个与连通区域相关的释义和例句。

连通区域用英语怎么说 连通区域英语翻译

连通区域的英语为"doubly connected region",还可以翻译为flat connection,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到23个与连通区域相关的释义和例句。

2. multiply connected region(多连通区域)

3. simply connected region(单连通区域)

2. if you're using lp or LPQ commands, you're likely going through CUPS.

3. Those cables are probably connected to our guy's computer.

4. Bath house hooked up to hell.

5. "it connects even with strangers,"

6. A Necessary and Sufficient Condition About the Connectivity of the R-rotation Graph of a Coronoid System

7. The Description of the Construction of Half Essentially Disconnected Coronoid

8. They're putting you through to the pope?

9. But there's only one bathroom. it's connected.

10. Now you're listed on the stock market... without consulting us

11. Connectivity is one important theme in graph throry.

12. There's a reason he can look into Lord Voldemort's mind.

13. And, of course, there's the worst part of driving to a CiA outpost -- it's not gonna be on the map.

14. On restricted edge connectivity and extra edge connectivity of hypercubes and folded hypercubes

15. (Applause) Complicated planner-ese here: connect.




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