起字用英语怎么说 起字的英语翻译

起字通常被翻译为"word equation"的意思,还可以翻译为trap word,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到21个与起字相关的短语释义和例句。

起字用英语怎么说 起字的英语翻译

起字通常被翻译为"word equation"的意思,还可以翻译为trap word,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到21个与起字相关的短语释义和例句。

起字翻译为proportional space characters。

示例:And here for the first time, there is space. there is space.

1. proportional space characters(比例字宽字)

2. handover word(传递字, 转换字, 时间同步字语)

3. grammatical word([计] 文法字, 语法字)

sorry word not found ( 对不起字未找到 )

name start character ( 名称起始字元 )

lower-case name start characters ( 小写名称起始字元 )

upper-case name start characters ( 大写名称起始字元 )

frame crane a-frame crane ( 人字形起重机 )

1. Sorry, Nat. i can't sign it.

2. "Dog " word and " too " the word is neighbour, but people praises " too " word and look down on " dog " word.


3. byte , halfword , word , and doubleword sizes.

4. Blended nicely with his s.

5. Translation: Sionann O'Neill

6. if you say the word, it's not there anymore:

7. We literate peoples won't say that. if you want to know how to ounce

8. Then with a Zhui and See as the radical.

9. The character on the left is two mountains stacked on top of each other.

10. What do you get when you put the two together in Chinese?

11. Now Hercules, that is a name to father a legend.

12. When you try to read, the words float off the page, right?

13. -Hold on! Preci... preci...

14. The term "partner" died when i did.

15. A moustache if you've only got a moustache





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