树的高度用英语怎么说 树的高度英语翻译

树的高度的英语是"height of",还网络中常译为"height balanced tree",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到44个与树的高度相关的译文和例句。

树的高度用英语怎么说 树的高度英语翻译

树的高度的英语是"height of",还网络中常译为"height balanced tree",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到44个与树的高度相关的译文和例句。

2. highly dispersed(高度弥散;高度弥散的;高度色散;高度色散的)

2. But height isn't the only key to unlock the acacia's defences.

3. ♪ At the level of your eyes

4. This is the subjective height -- the height you saw of these guys at various points.

5. if a tree has no leaves or branches, can you still call it a tree?

6. Abandon tree! Abandon tree!

7. This is the height of hubris.

8. Crawl with me. Fucking ridiculous clown show.

9. CHORUS: ♪ At the level of your eyes

10. Rose-tree, my beauteous rose-tree!

11. Looks like it's the right height. Yeah.

12. Keep a close eye on their altitudes!

13. At a certain height, trees can no longer afford the lost water that evaporates during photosynthesis.

译文:到了一定的高度, 树再也提供不了 光合作用所蒸发的水分。

14. Twenty trees, twenty-one trees...

15. Tree. How do you say tree?


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