富商用英语怎么说 富商的英语翻译

富商的英语是"merchant prince",还可以翻译为  rich merchant,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到28个与富商相关的短语翻译和用法。

富商用英语怎么说 富商的英语翻译

富商的英语是"merchant prince",还可以翻译为  rich merchant,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到28个与富商相关的短语翻译和用法。

Little Shop of Treasures ( 财富商店 )

Xuzhou Wealth Hotel ( 徐州财富商务酒店 )

1. One of the kingdom’s most prosperous merchants has been exposed for his corrupt dealings.

2. One day this magician foretold the death of a rich merchant. The merchant was a favourite of the king.


3. They all thought i was Gryff, the son of a wealthy merchant, betrothed to a girl named Bronwyn.

译文:他们都认为我是Gryff 一个富商人的儿子 是那个叫做Bronwyn女孩的未婚夫。

4. Scores of the wealthiest of New York society were killed last night when a bomb ripped through a crowded theatre.

译文:昨晚纽约不少富商名流死亡... 在爆满的戏院内被炸死。

5. it's for a very worthy cause.

6. He's the fourth richest man in Europe, right?

7. The businessman Jatin Bajaj, who was also called the 'Kuber'..

8. Mr. Shi, allow me to introduce you to Burmese ty, Mr. Deng Youlin

9. He's a corporater. You know that, don't you?

10. At the little picturesque town of Vevey in Switzerland, he came across Daisy Miler, who was the daughter of a rich American businessman.


11. PSG now have the financial clout to make big signings, with the Qatar investment Authority backing the club.


12. You should be named "Fu" (rich)

13. - Victor turned out to be a total Lombard.

14. Venice was once a city of rich merchants.

15. The Royal Minister will have your hide.




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