生日粗卡是啥用英语怎么说 生日粗卡是啥英语翻译


生日粗卡是啥用英语怎么说 生日粗卡是啥英语翻译


3. Shouldn't use your birthday as your password, you know.

4. What was the name of the gang?

5. i mean, all in all, i'm positive.

6. What am i to you? Traci, i...

7. i know it's Caroline's birthday, funeral or whatever, but...

译文:真抱歉 我知道今天是Caroline的生日 葬礼 随便啥吧 但是。

8. - Pumpernickel, Pumpernickel.

9. Because we want to send you a birthday card...

10. Hey, where are the animals in the...?

11. What about a birthday card?

12. He wrote it in my birthday card.

13. What, you got me another coffin?

14. What's that one right there?

15. He's the one not drinking...




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