眼中钉用英语怎么说 眼中钉的英语翻译

眼中钉的英语可以这样说:a thorn in sb.'s side --deep hatred,还可以翻译为the most hated person,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到39个与眼中钉相关的译文和例句。

眼中钉用英语怎么说 眼中钉的英语翻译

眼中钉的英语可以这样说:a thorn in sb.'s side --deep hatred,还可以翻译为the most hated person,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到39个与眼中钉相关的译文和例句。

1. a thorn in sb.'s side --deep hatred

眼中钉翻译为a thorn in sb.'s side --deep hatred。


'the choice before the ex-King is either to fade out from the public eye or be a nuisance,' he said.

a thorn in the flesh ( 肉中刺 眼中钉 )

The Boy with Nails in His Eyes ( 眼中插钉子的男孩 )

1. Old Town is a thorn in your side.

2. Are you just gonna be a pain in the ass to everybody?

3. He's a menace on the road, and he's pain in the ass.

5. At least i shall have the pleasure of putting you out of my misery.

6. She's been a huge thorn in the side of the Assad regime.

7. Man, your wife's a real pain in the ass. They all are.

8. You, who was against forced ice labor, was in their way.

9. i've been a pain in the ass for the copyright industry for a long time.

10. Because our clan is the eyesore of the Qing Dynasty!

11. "you're old, you got a big mouth... you're a pain in the ass."

12. Your father got angry? Yes.

13. A menace. And what do we do with a menace?

14. You've been a pain in my ass all day, Jeff.

15. The Japanese want to get rid of their opponents.




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