强连接用英语怎么说 强连接的英语翻译

强连接通常被翻译为"strong ties"的意思,还可以翻译为strongly connected region,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到72个与强连接相关的翻译和例句。

强连接用英语怎么说 强连接的英语翻译

强连接通常被翻译为"strong ties"的意思,还可以翻译为strongly connected region,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到72个与强连接相关的翻译和例句。

示例:One tries to govern wisely, strongly, but... One tries to govern wisely, strongly, but...

译文:他同时指出了我们的“强连接”的另一个问题就是 这些在生活中和我们走的很近的人, 这些“强连接”们, 会不断的同化我们。

2. Oh, Johnny. Johnny, please try. Try, Johnny.

3. Well you might not be good as Kang Min Joo...but you...

4. Put on our golden armors and we're forever the strongest.

5. Someone's jammed the frequency.

6. Join forces...raise the stock price and make a killing on the stock market.

7. ♪ just because it burns doesn't mean you're going to die ♪ And only the best of the best emerged victorious.

8. ¶ Nobody's tough as Jack Nobody's tough as Jack ¶

9. Dad! i always wanted a man like Tom Hanks.

10. Well, we're just two professionals havin' a conversation, right?

11. Maybe not by a lot, but a little.

12. From "A" to "B"... And "B" to "C".

13. You're connected, and if you're connected,

14. There is no place for me in this world, Chanchito.

15. Do not cry to become stronger Do not accustomed 负 only 强Ku


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