分集接收用英语怎么说 分集接收英语翻译

分集接收的英语为"frequency diversity reception",还可以翻译为diversityrx,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到86个与分集接收相关的释义和例句。

分集接收用英语怎么说 分集接收英语翻译

分集接收的英语为"frequency diversity reception",还可以翻译为diversityrx,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到86个与分集接收相关的释义和例句。

1. frequency diversity reception

分集接收翻译为frequency diversity reception。

示例:But the reception and the dinner are at the palace. But the reception and the dinner are at the palace.


2. Receiving encrypted message. Classification, Eyes Only.

3. Could you not receive or did you not want to?

4. -Roger. Moving into receiver position.

5. Communication method, communication apparatus, reception method, and reception appts.

6. i was the admitting physician.

7. The CDD(Cyclic Delay Diversity) technology, especially its implementation, delay choice and diversity gain is introduced.


8. The routing code was switched to send a specific box to you.

9. Stand by for suspect description.

10. Hand in hand. What's this, a parade?

11. Trying to pick up the transmission?

12. Uniform 64, ready for extraction, Over,

13. Maximum diversity transmission can be achieved by adopting precoder at the transmitter and equalizer at the receiver.


14. - it's all good on this end.

15. is there anyone there to receive the message?




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