于思用英语怎么说 于思的英语翻译

于思的英语为"full of beard",还可以翻译为rich in whiskers,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到91个与于思相关的翻译和例句。

于思用英语怎么说 于思的英语翻译

于思的英语为"full of beard",还可以翻译为rich in whiskers,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到91个与于思相关的翻译和例句。

Reflective Good thinking meditative Thinking ( 善于思考的 )

Wisdom from Thinking ( 智源于思 )

cerebral protagonist ( 善于思考的戏剧主角 )

bien pensant Be Good At Thinking think and share ideas ( 善于思考 )

1. ! Our collaboration is a work of the mind.

2. i haven't slept all night and it helped me think...

3. i like company when i go out, i think better when i talk aloud.

4. Meanwhile, the young grass moved in with her deep-thinking friend, Meredith Lovett...

译文:同时 嫩草搬进了 她"善于思考"的朋友梅雷迪思 洛维特家里。

5. Mr. Sowell champions what might be called the Vince Lombardi interpretation of ideas, or VLii. Test ideas in the field.


6. He urges the public not to draw any uninformed conclusions, to preserve a sense of broad-minded tolerance and discipline.

译文:他警告大众不要轻信未知的言论 来保护对于思想开放的宽容。

7. As to the ideological work, we should never go about impetuously.

8. The rest of the day is yours to do with as you wish - and you may wish to devote it to thought.

9. For the benefit of the hard of thinking in the room,

10. You miss something too much...

11. Mom said he stared like that because he missed Grandma.

12. Pie don't work unless you let it.

13. "Be as great in act as you have been in thought."

14. But thinking of a way forward, i'd like us to engage in a thought exercise.

译文:但是要想着前进的道路, 我喜欢置身于思考的练习之中。

15. And... mostly Yellow: intellectual.


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