内部资料用英语怎么说 内部资料英语翻译

内部资料的英语是"internal data",其次还可以说成"  restricted data",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到36个与内部资料相关的译文和例句。

内部资料用英语怎么说 内部资料英语翻译

内部资料的英语是"internal data",其次还可以说成"  restricted data",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到36个与内部资料相关的译文和例句。

内部资料翻译为   confidential and proprietary materials。


Whether the link is initiated through your Gmail account or not, the malicious site can access your internal credentials.

3. formerly restricted data(以前的内部资料)

4. unpubished data(未经出版的数据资料,内部资料)

Internal linking data ( 内部的连结资料 )

Internal Project Sources ( 内部的项目资料 )

2. All of it. Anything more about the car?

3. Better send me a memo as soon as.

4. Just swab it on the inside of your mouth.

5. - internal environment looks normal.

6. These sensors go up the funnel and radio back information about the internal structure, wind velocities...

7. it's liquid underneath because of tidal heating and friction going on inside the planet.

8. The contact relation was unclear within the Ordovician in Lunnan area of Tarim basin due to lack of related information.


9. Query, internal data... loyalty to the firm, and in this individual's case a family tragedy that may qualify him above the rest

译文:查询 内部资料 忠诚度... 就拿这一个人来说 一场家庭悲剧使他被挑选。

10. if you have a project, you file it...

11. The internal pressure is stable.

12. in-house processing guidelines.

13. Are the info here yet? Oh!

14. All the data's gone. The JPEG files, the DNA sequences. They cleaned us out.

15. We , Guangzhou Huiling , promise seriously that all the information you supply will be only kept as the internal record.





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