心宿二用英语怎么说 心宿二的英语翻译


心宿二用英语怎么说 心宿二的英语翻译


3. The Sumitomo Building at Shinjuku Sub downtown.

4. Shall anyone think twice, will be punished by the Master God of Monga

5. i'm afraid Sir Li's having too much fun.

6. The other two stars in Orion's belt are Alnilam and Mintaka.

7. You come home late, sleep if you can.

8. One needs to be committed absolutely.

9. no second thoughts, you've decided,

10. i always have... and i always will.

11. i went to Harajuku today...

12. We have sworn loyalty to you.

13. Bow-wow, bow-wow Biting all night long

14. i have chased you around the moons of Nibia and around the Antares Maelstrom, and around Perdition's flames.

译文:我追着你到Nibia的卫星上 到心宿二星的漩涡里 到毁灭之国的火焰中。

15. in my heart is where you'll be




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