英国巨蟹用英语怎么说 英国巨蟹英语翻译


英国巨蟹用英语怎么说 英国巨蟹英语翻译


2. there is a party in the Crab Nebula. You can come too.

3. As for adorers, cancer shows the active action with positive attitude.

4. Yo, homeboy, well, that wasn't necessary, man.

5. Romantically, as you might have guessed, this month is a bit more about Cancers who are attached.


6. See, Scorpio is physical, really... and they think that Virgo and Cancer are, um - are mental signs.

译文:看,天蝎座代表 他们认为处女座和巨蟹座代表 精神。

7. "Cancer, good people Cancer"

8. - Yeah. Happy birthday, homeboy

9. Now, homeboy you're goin' dead

10. Cancer with the Moon on ascendant highlights necrophilia.

11. BVA BVA British Voice Association (London, UK)

12. Son of an Englishman! Get up! Hurry!

13. You're Cancer, the crab. You're a moon child.

14. Oh, stop talking trash on my Ravens, homeboy.

15. The dual nature of Cancerians will determine their life in 2011.




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