工装服用英语怎么说 工装服的英语翻译

工装服的英语是"hand assembly",还网络中常译为"workclothes",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到85个与工装服相关的译文和例句。

工装服用英语怎么说 工装服的英语翻译

工装服的英语是"hand assembly",还网络中常译为"workclothes",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到85个与工装服相关的译文和例句。

3. The main companies operates down jacket, winter clothes, cotten-based clothing line.

4. His dungarees were covered in grease.

5. Standard Performance Specification for Women's Woven Coverall, Dungaree, Overall, and Shop Coat Fabrics


6. Because it's not a costume, it's a flight suit.

7. Very convincing. Very convincing.

8. Changing Refinery Configurations for Heavy and Synthetic Crudes Processing

9. No, i saw a bunch of people in overalls...

10. The mechanic was wearing a pair of blue overalls.

11. American recognition. Moscow state clothing stores, Moscow state clothing stores, Moscow state clothing stores.

12. will give you a copy of today's count the service service ... service ?

13. Standard Performance Specification for Men's and Boys' Woven Coverall, Dungaree, Overall, and Shop-Coat Fabrics


14. How to wear dungarees this spring ?

15. You agreed to stop wearing cargo shorts?


芬克用英语怎么说 芬克的英语翻译
倒车档用英语怎么说 倒车档的英语翻译


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