德让宗用英语怎么说 德让宗的英语翻译

德让宗的英语翻译是"Legendre coefficient",其次还可以说成"Legendre conjugate",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到86个与德让宗相关的释义和例句。

德让宗用英语怎么说 德让宗的英语翻译

德让宗的英语翻译是"Legendre coefficient",其次还可以说成"Legendre conjugate",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到86个与德让宗相关的释义和例句。

1. Sosuke, give me a ride too!

2. Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. Okay.

3. Sosuke, hurry up and eat this.

4. i can make Brentwood hall seif-sustaining.

5. one case of arson and 3 of assault.

6. - Hey, i need to talk to Sid.

7. i need the Silence Dogood letters. Yeah, it's about the treasure.

8. is it related to Zongbao...?

9. These cases-- 3 theft, 2 indecent assaults, 1 bodily harm.

10. i've seen the decent, lovely woman behind them.

11. Mr. Baldwin, you are hereby adjudicated guilty on three counts of capital murder.

12. Not one but two separate occasions.

13. You're under arrest for 43 counts of fraud and 30 counts of embezzlement.

14. Have Halstead and Lindsay visit the parents.

15. - oh, yeah. famous whiplash. okay. - remember?


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