家居生活用英语怎么说 家居生活英语翻译

家居生活用英语翻译为"  Indoors",还可以翻译为  Home Life,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到10个与家居生活相关的短语释义和例句。

家居生活用英语怎么说 家居生活英语翻译

家居生活用英语翻译为"  Indoors",还可以翻译为  Home Life,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到10个与家居生活相关的短语释义和例句。

Home Life Show Home Living Show Household display ( 家居生活展示 )

Household goods Home life articles home life supplies ( 家居生活用品 )

Interiorlifestyle ( 国际家居生活设计展 )

2. "And in addition to art, i like houses, gardens,

6. Retired racing Greyhounds are usually easy to housebreak, as they are already crate-trained prior to becoming a part of the family.


7. You're not from Home Office.

8. it's entering workplaces, households.

9. Rachel's household is informal.

10. A relative might do something unexpected, and you could feel as if your home life suddenly has become unsettled.


11. Here, we are very Swedish. That's ikea.

12. Here's the categories: Little Songs, Celebrities, Gourmet Cooking, Family Life –

13. With the Mark 2 Longarm, resolve differences from your living room.

译文:使用这台长臂二代 你们就能解决分歧 回归舒适的家居生活。

14. Small objects. Household things.

15. i'm just allergic to fine home furnishings.


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