阴刻用英语怎么说 阴刻的英语翻译

阴刻的英语是"intaglio",还经常被译作  Incised,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到39个与阴刻相关的短语释义和例句。

阴刻用英语怎么说 阴刻的英语翻译

阴刻的英语是"intaglio",还经常被译作  Incised,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到39个与阴刻相关的短语释义和例句。

1. negative scribing(阴象刻图; 阴像刻图; 阴版刻图)

2. negative engraving(阴图版;阴像刻图)

negative scribing ( 阴像刻图 印刷 )

cathodic vacuum etching ( 阴极真空蚀刻 )

negative lines carving ( 阴线刻 )

1. - indecent exposure. - Nope.

2. i sense a dirty trick coming up.

3. You who are of death. Who kiss death on the mouth

4. You can play dirty. i've seen you do it.

5. You--you don't do subtle, do you?

6. This island can make people see things.

7. Damn it, how dare you fool me?

8. You want to play dirty, don't you?

9. Damn you. how dare you trick me?

10. The bank of the river was well treed.

11. The ultimate of Yin is Yang. The ultimate of Yang is Yin.

12. Yin forces slowly for you to touch

13. Since the end of the Han Jian'an to , mostly incised Bai, letters were used as a postmortem letter.


14. Where're a cloud appears in the gloom

15. Nervus dorsalis oridis.




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