门禁用英语怎么说 门禁的英语翻译

门禁的英语是"entrance guard",还经常被译作access control -,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到15个与门禁相关的译文和例句。

门禁用英语怎么说 门禁的英语翻译

门禁的英语是"entrance guard",还经常被译作access control -,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到15个与门禁相关的译文和例句。

gated community gated communities ( 门禁社区 )

access control system ( 门禁管理系统 )

Access control physical acces Harmony Falcon PRO Falcon ( 门禁控制 )

Attendance & Access System ( 门禁设备 )

pke Remote Keyless Entry ( 无钥门禁 )

1. This is a secure unit. There's no way i can do that.

2. it's computerized to the hilt.

译文:用电脑控制了门禁 It's computerized to the hilt.。

3. Miss, don't you have a curfew?

4. i gotta go. My curfew's at midnight.

5. The key card will get you out the back door.

6. You're out of business. Stay off the grid.

7. Our Governor set a strict curfew.

8. i have a set of keys. i know all the alarm codes.

9. And lock downs, as you well know, cost me money.

10. Do you have your security access card, Dr. Watters?

11. And a Post-it with his address and security codes.

12. Give me that card, Johnny. The key card.

13. Beyond these walls lies a fabled world... the world of the women of Edo Castle.

14. Take her name off the security logs.

15. Our curfew is ending soon.

译文:就快门禁了 被侵蚀也无所谓 All right All right 就快门禁了。





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