避让贤路用英语怎么说 避让贤路英语翻译

避让贤路用英语翻译为"skidpad",在日常中也可以翻译为"Relationship Between Vessels",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到84个与避让贤路相关的短语释义和例句。

避让贤路用英语怎么说 避让贤路英语翻译

避让贤路用英语翻译为"skidpad",在日常中也可以翻译为"Relationship Between Vessels",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到84个与避让贤路相关的短语释义和例句。

1. Relationship Between Vessels( 避让关系)

2. skidpad(na. 〈美〉试车场\n 避让障隘物;八字绕环)

1. When i was a girl, my friends and i used to play chicken with the train on the tracks near our house, and no one could ever beat me, not even the boys.

译文:我小时候常和朋友玩"小鸡"游戏 (危险游戏 不避让车 看是否会被撞) 当时是赌屋子附近的火车会不会撞我们 玩这游戏我总赢 男孩子总输给我。

2. - Step back to allow the doors to close.

3. Sue, can you and i talk off the record?

4. Maybe it's time to step aside, let someone else in.

译文:该让贤了 Maybe it's time to step aside, 别人试试更好 let someone else in.。

5. Eventually, i caught sight of a more experienced biker going over the ledge with more speed. He didn't even try to avoid the rocks.


6. Step back to allow the doors to close.

7. Sorry, would you mind just waiting outside while we have a chat?

8. Let our enemies shrink away.

译文:鬼寐宵小竞相避让 Let our enemies shrink away.。

9. Analysis on Getting out of Line of Fisherman and Discussion on Dodge Measures of Merchantman

10. So i have decided to give it up.

11. "Then he was on top of it. The heavy car whirled across the road

12. Safely gives way to traffic regarding the merchantman the fishing boat discussion

13. The honored gods keep Rome in safety, and the chairs of justice supplied with worthy men, plant love among us, throng our large temples with the shows of peace, and not our streets with war.

译文:尊荣的诸神保佑罗马的安全 让贤德的君子做我们的 在我们中间播撒爱的。

14. No. i'm not quitting. i'm not ...

15. The driver had ample time to brake or swerve and avoid the woman.


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