餐点用英语怎么说 餐点的英语翻译

餐点的英语是"  Dining",其次还可以说成"dinner",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到75个与餐点相关的短语翻译和用法。

餐点用英语怎么说 餐点的英语翻译

餐点的英语是"  Dining",其次还可以说成"dinner",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到75个与餐点相关的短语翻译和用法。

In-Flight Service ( 飞机上餐点服务 )

1. The chick's first fresh meal.

2. Will this table suit you for a complimentary meal?

3. Not with the kitchen. i mean with the meal.

4. Tomoko, can you ask them to prepare the meal?

5. Mr. Chairman this is from the manager.

6. if i don't come through, i am Beast chow.

7. Daddy made such a nice meal.

8. - i wanna cook him some good food.

9. The food here is super delicious.

10. Chef's been cooking all morning.

11. i'd like to order something from your late supper menu.

12. Listen, you mind if i join you while i wait for my order?

13. But they've turned things around... not through discipline, but through diet.

14. We'll each bring some food.

15. And you wanted the hot breakfast, right?




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