软件证书用英语怎么说 软件证书英语翻译

软件证书在英语中的翻译是"professional certificate",还可以翻译为trading certificate,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到44个与软件证书相关的短语翻译和用法。

软件证书用英语怎么说 软件证书英语翻译

软件证书在英语中的翻译是"professional certificate",还可以翻译为trading certificate,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到44个与软件证书相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. notarial deed([经] 公证证书, 签证证书)

3. trading certificate([经] 贸易证书, 营业证书)

4. wildcard certificate( 证书;通配证书;通配型证书)

5. redelivery certificate( 还船证书;交接船证书还船证书;交接船证书)

1. AiCE: Advanced international Certificate of Education

2. it's a notification for changing school!

3. And he gets that certificate, and in a very ceremonious way, he gives it to his son.

译文:当他拿到那个保险证书, 他非常隆重地将证书 递给了他儿子。

4. What do you do with certificates?

5. The anima of software is quality.

6. Even the certificates of pedigree and expertise.

7. "receives certificate... of attendance."

8. A certificate of aptitude to take care of disabled persons.

9. Well yes. i validated my CAFAD.

10. The death certificate instead of the wedding certificate.

11. Certificates of Quota Eligibility CQE

12. if any of you are interested in helping Lara build a small software module, please feel free to contact her with your credentials.


13. i can't shοw yοu a certificate.

14. Here's a certificate to prove it.

15. Our guest will now present us with certificates of achievement!




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