三才配置用英语怎么说 三才配置英语翻译

三才配置用英语说"l? ts'ai",其次还可以说成"manpower acquisition",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到95个与三才配置相关的短语翻译和用法。

三才配置用英语怎么说 三才配置英语翻译

三才配置用英语说"l? ts'ai",其次还可以说成"manpower acquisition",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到95个与三才配置相关的短语翻译和用法。

示例:it now depends on Chen Huan and Ts'ao K'un, if they can defeat Ts'ai O in Szechuan, 现在就要看陈宦和曹银的了 若他们在四川能打垮蔡愕

3. it's only been three weeks since the accident...

4. Non-burnable trash is Wednesdays!

5. On three, or two, three, then go?

译文:是第三声就喊名字 还是喊完二三才喊名字 On three, or two, three, then go。

6. Effect of Sancai injection on Red Blood Cell Line in Mice

7. Okay, but i've got to have that report by Wednesday.

8. it doesn't officially show till Wednesday.

9. We weren't scheduled to meet until Wednesday.

10. i don't leave till Wednesday.

11. Treating recurrent ulcer of mouth with sancai fengsui pill

12. No, no, no. it's actually on three, Fat Amy.

13. Well, in your case, 12th grade.

14. Platoon Unit Three has secured the East Building entrance.

15. Xuan Tung Emperor cannot be blamed You were only 3 years old.




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