次声武器用英语怎么说 次声武器英语翻译

次声武器用英语翻译为"infrasonic detection",还网络中常译为"infrasonic",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到86个与次声武器相关的释义和例句。

次声武器用英语怎么说 次声武器英语翻译

次声武器用英语翻译为"infrasonic detection",还网络中常译为"infrasonic",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到86个与次声武器相关的释义和例句。

1. infrasonic weapon([军] 次声武器)

2. There's no weapons. There's no weapons. No weapons.

3. (Typewriting) [Abu Ghraib iraq Prison Abuses 2008 Military Police Guards' Photos] [The following images include and graphic depictions of violence] (Camera shutter sounds) (Thuds) (Camera shutter) (Camera shutter) (Breathing) (Bells) (Bells end) So, pretty horrific.

译文:(重击声) (相机快门声) (重击声) (喘息声) (钟声) 很恐怖。

4. i'm gonna ask you one more time. This is your last warning. Drop your weapons.

5. infrasound can travel her than higher pitched sound.

6. -( Clicking) -( Coinsclinking)

7. Snapped my banjo string once.

8. There were supposed to be three explosions.

9. i prefer the weapon you only have to fire once.

10. This time you wont catch me with that weapon!

11. A drumbeat. A warrior's march.

12. - Drop your weapon. Drop your weapon!

13. Holster your weapons. Holster your weapons!

14. Put your gun down! Put your gun down!

15. Crunching, chomping, smashing...




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