子明用英语怎么说 子明的英语翻译

子明的英语是"lammings",其次还可以说成"open cut",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到54个与子明相关的释义和例句。

子明用英语怎么说 子明的英语翻译

子明的英语是"lammings",其次还可以说成"open cut",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到54个与子明相关的释义和例句。

3. Lee Hui Kyeong is the President's son.

4. All sons must prove themselves to their fathers.

5. As i shall prove to be the best to my father.

6. i'm fine, who is smart enough to think out this?

7. By chance, is he Min-guk's son?

8. Got a smart mouth, little man.

9. How much smarter could a duck be?

10. Jo Myung Ho! Jo Myung Ho! Jo Myung Ho!

11. Tru, before Rain's parents arrive, can you prove she's not possessed?

译文:孙子楚,你能在春雨父母赶到之前, 证明她是否鬼上身吗。

12. Lu Pei-ming is one of my customers

13. Ming, first of all, slow down.

14. Prize bright drop of eye liquid prizing Ming Dynasty one drop , two be really bright.

15. - i got the smartest dude.


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