不知所云用英语怎么说 不知所云英语翻译

不知所云通常被翻译为"  Foot in mouth"的意思,还网络中常译为"  is driving at",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到90个与不知所云相关的释义和例句。

不知所云用英语怎么说 不知所云英语翻译

不知所云通常被翻译为"  Foot in mouth"的意思,还网络中常译为"  is driving at",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到90个与不知所云相关的释义和例句。

If you really don't mean them ( 当你完全不知所云 )

Can't figure any lyrics out ( 歌词不知所云 )

1. So, if there is any truth to the age-old saying,

2. Gibberish, my friend. He rants and he raves.

3. (Audio) JO: (Unintelligible) And we flashed colors in the two brains to indicate brain areas that respond very similarly across people.

译文:(音频)JO:(不知所云) 我们在两个大脑里,用闪现的颜色 来标示受测者间 相似脑区块的回应。

4. - i don't know what you're talkin' about.

5. Sometimes i can't believe i talk about this all day.

6. With respect, how do you knowit says the opposite if it's totally unintelligible?

译文:恕我直言 大臣 如果它不知所云 With respect, how do you knowit says the opposite 您怎么知道刚好相反? if it's totally unintelligible。

7. What does that even mean? Come on!

8. "My God, my God." Unintelligible.

9. The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.

10. i don't understand sentences like that.

11. i'muphere [unintelligible]!

12. All i heard was sounds coming from the mouth of a nerd.

13. What's that? i don't know that word.

14. All those purposeless books.

15. They just graduated that [unintelligible], so they've been instilled with that extremist philosophy.


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