笑剧用英语怎么说 笑剧的英语翻译

笑剧的英语可以这样说:  comedy,还可以翻译为  mime,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到49个与笑剧相关的短语翻译和用法。

笑剧用英语怎么说 笑剧的英语翻译

笑剧的英语可以这样说:  comedy,还可以翻译为  mime,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到49个与笑剧相关的短语翻译和用法。

The Original Kings of Comedy king of edy Hei kek ji wong ( 笑剧之王 )

Comedy Central Domedy Dentral ( 笑剧中间 )

sitcom Situation Comedy ( 情景笑剧 )

musical comedy musical edy musicing comedy ( 音乐笑剧 )

1. He co-wrote a mocentary about failed superheroes called "Super-Has-Beens."

译文:还与别人合作写了个搞笑剧本 讲述失败的英雄故事 剧本的名字是“昨日英雄”。

2. Some of them are quite good, like these Japanese mimes . -Others, well. . . sometimes you get what you pay for.


3. The holy moly had previously seen the comedy prior to.

4. They come to dance, dine, take in outdoor and indoor concerts, see ballets and laugh at the mimes .


5. i didn't scout you with a big salary to do comedy

6. The modern ancien regime is rather only the comedian of a world order whose true heroes are dead.


7. The modern ancien regime is rather only the comedian of a world order whose true heroes are dead.


8. Toon revue. Strictly humans only, okay?

9. "Homely food is wholesome, mbt official website, " the comedist said on the dome.

10. - Thank you. My sincere compliments for the virtuoso singer and the mime instructor.

11. He co-wrote a mocentary about failed superheroes called "Super-Has-Beens."

译文:还与别人合作写了个搞笑剧本 讲述失败的英雄故事 剧本的名字是“昨日英雄”。

12. GARY OWENS: Rowan Q Martin's Laugh-ln.

13. i'll bet you watch a lot of funny TV shows


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