倘使用英语怎么说 倘使的英语翻译

倘使的英语翻译是"  in case of",还经常被译作  if,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到32个与倘使相关的短语翻译和用法。

倘使用英语怎么说 倘使的英语翻译

倘使的英语翻译是"  in case of",还经常被译作  if,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到32个与倘使相关的短语翻译和用法。

in the event of in case of provided ( 借使倘使 )

so if i'm dreaming ( 倘使我是在做梦 )

Comme Si De Rien N'etait ( 倘使统统未曾产生 )

If Only I Had Known ( 倘使当初我晓得就好了 )

If you"re feeling sad your heart gets colder ( 倘使你感到意气消沉 )

If these pleasures may thee move ( 倘使这些欢乐打动了你 )

What if he's an angel ( 倘若他是天使 )

1. "A surprised Alexander then replied quickly" if i were not Alexanderi would be Diogenes.


2. if invasion is undertaken the Russians have said that they would retaliate with fire

译文:以摧毁基地 苏联曾说倘使我方进犯 他们将以反击。

3. And now , had i the pen of a mighty poet, would i sing in epic verse the le wrath of the archdeacon .


4. if you are joking then this post wso rather funny. if not. . . then i pity your life.


5. when it doth, it is a comforter.

6. What's the matter, that in these several places of the city you cry against the le senate, who, under the gods, keep you in awe, which else would feed on one another?

译文:你们在城里到处鼓噪 攻击尊贵的元老院 倘使没有他们帮助神明使你们有一点畏惧 你们早就彼此相食了。

7. it would be impossible for anyone to know precisely how each consumer would have spent his extra $5 if he had been allowed to retain it.


8. Would they be more upseted if i thought of joining you?

9. "if he wasn't so big and heavy i would get him for you, " remarked the Stork.


10. if Jesus Christ were to come today, people would not even crucify Him.




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